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How to Add Imagery and Hybrid Layers to an ArcGIS Pro Map

This article teaches you how to add free imagery and hybrid layers (both basemaps and overlays) to an ArcGIS Pro map using XYZ tiles. Note that this functionality is only available from version 2.6 onwards.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, on the Map tab, in the Layer group, in the Add Data menu, click Data From Path:
Add data from path
  1. Click on one of the imagery layers or hybrid layers in the layer preview application that you want to add to your map.
  2. Copy the Path from the preview application and paste it to ArcGIS Pro like in the following example:
Path to copy
Pasted path
  1. Leave the Service Type value Automatic and click Add. If the Service Type was automatically set to An ArcGIS Server Web Service, leave it as it is and click Add.
You can also use any of the layers on our categorized layer list to add to your map.